•      Sat Sep 28 2024

Chandragiri municipality to allocate three percent budget for environmental management

Kathmandu, June 21: Chandragiri municipality would allocate three percent of the total budget for environmental management. Probably, Chandragiri municipality is the first municipality allocating adequate amount of budget in environment sector, it is said.

The municipality has been implementing clean air project at partnership of Family Health International 360 (FHI) with financial and technical support of USAID.

During the meeting with Chief Financial Officer of FHI 360 Rasika Padmaperuma at the municipality today, Mayor Giri shared that the municipality has taken a policy of allocating three per cent budget of the total budget for environmental management.

Briefing CFO Padmaperuma about municipality’s policy, programmes and activities for clean air promotion, environmental management and air pollution reduction, Giri mentioned that priority has been given to climate adaption policy.

Similarly, Chief Administrative Officer Hemraj Aryal informed about education, health and environmental management efforts of the municipality to improve lives of Chandragiri folks through clean air.

“Policies and programmes based on evidence have been formulated to prevent and reduce air pollution and such programmes are being implemented.  The policies and programmes of the municipality are focused to lessen effects on economic and social life from climate change impacts”, explained Aryal.

Congratulation the municipality for its policy to allocate three percent budget of the total budget for environmental management, CFO Padmaperuma expressed the belief that clean air project would help to reduce impacts of climate change on economic and social sector.

The activities carried out by Chandragiri municipality to promote clean air might be learning for other countries, he shared.

On the occasion, he observed free vehicle emission testing operated by the municipality at Thankot.

Likewise, Chief of Party, USAID Clean Air, Bhushan Tuladhar, lauded the different activities carried out by the municipality to improve air quality of Kathmandu Valley.