•      Fri Mar 14 2025

Election Commission urges not to give offensive expression

Kathmandu: The Election Commission (EC) has said that its attention has been drawn towards people launching on tirade or giving offensive statement against election candidates or political parties’ leaders in the public platform including social sites.

The Commission, issuing a press statement here today, said that it had taken cognizance of some social sites users publishing misleading and biased contents and giving offensive statements against candidates vying upcoming elections and warned of bringing those offenders into books.

Such offense could result in fine up to Rs 100,000 and imprisonment up to five years as such act contradict the Electronic Transaction Act-2073 BS’s Clause (47), Election (Offense and Punishment) Act-2073 BS’s sub-clause (1) and Election Code of Conduct-2079 BS’s Clause 4.

The constitutional body responsible to conduct, supervise, direct and control the election of the President, the Vice-President, Federal Parliament, Provincial Assemblies and local bodies is holding the voting for the House of Representatives and Provincial Assembly elections simultaneously on November 20 this year.

The Commission urged all those concerned ones to remove fake Facebook pages of election candidates and not to engage in such malicious activities. RSS