-Bhishma Raj Ojha/RSS
Kathmandu, Dec 22, 2019 : The winter session of the Federal Parliament known as the ‘bill session’ commenced on Friday.
According to the Federal Parliament Secretariat, the session is scheduled to decide numerous 27 bills. Of them, 10 have been already distributed to stakeholders concerned following their registration in the Secretariat, 15 are under consideration at parliamentary committees and two have been sent to the National Assembly after their endorsement from the House of Representatives.
The distributed bills include Peace and Security Bill, National Security Bill, National Human Rights Commission (first amendment) Bill, Insurance Bill, Nepal Citizenship (first amendment) Bill, and Bill to amend some Nepal acts related to education among others.
Besides, some other documents such as a Memorandum of Understanding on grant assistance between the Nepal government and the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the proposal to amend Article 38 of the statute of the World Tourism Organisation, an inter-government agreement on dry port and an agreement on the Doha amendment to the Kyoto Protocol are on the table in the session for the final touch.
Of the bills tabled, undisputed ones would enter the process for endorsement shortly, and it would take some time for the disputed ones, said Dr Roj Nath Pandey, Spokesperson for the Parliament Secretariat.
The HoR meeting is scheduled for December 27, and the NA meeting for December 23. The HoR’s next meeting is scheduled to inform about the schedule of election of a HoR speaker.
The post of the HoR speaker has remained vacant following a resignation by the then Speaker Krishna Bahadur Mahara after being accused of sexual harassment of a woman who works for the Federal Parliament Secretariat.
In the absence of Speaker, HoR Deputy Speaker Dr Shiva Maya Tumbahangphe chaired the meeting on Friday.