•      Sat Jun 1 2024

Holi being observed today, President and PM extend best wishes

Bidya and Deuba
President Bidya Devi Bhandari (left) and Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba. (file photo)

KATHMANDU: Fagu Poornima or Holi, the festival of colours, is being observed in hilly areas, including the capital city, today and in the Tarai tomorrow. The festival, also called spring festival, marks the arrival of spring and the harvest season.

The first day of the festival is called Chhoti Holi or Holika Dahan and the second day Dhuleti or Holi. Holika Dahan, the death of Holika, the symbol of triumph of good over evil, is marked by lighting a bonfire, and performing a special Puja to burn evil spirits.

The next day, people enjoy smearing one another with different colours including Abir or red vermilion powder.

Among various cultural festivals celebrated in Nepal, the Fagu Poornima carries its own specialty and significance. People from old to young age enjoy the festival with enthusiasm. One of the widely observed festivals of the country, the festival begins on the eighth day of the new moon and ends with the burning of the ‘Chir’, which was installed earlier, on the full moon day later today.

According to a Hindu myth, demon king Hiranyakashyapu, who was unhappy with his son Prahlad for his wholehearted devotion to the God Bishnu, ordered his sister Holika to kill Prahalad. Following her brother’s instruction, Holika, who had a boon from the god that fire would not harm her, sat on a fire with Prahlad on her lap, but was burnt to death while Prahalad remained unhurt due to the blessing of God Bishnu.

From then onwards, the festival also known as Holi is celebrated by smearing colour with enjoyment. There is also a saying that Lord Bishnu had told Holika that the boon she had received would be meaningless if it was misused.

Senior people believe that any premonitions can be avoided if “Tika” made from the ashes of the ‘Chir’ is put on one’s forehead or kept in the house.

President, VP and PM Deuba extend best wishes for Holi festival

President Bidya Devi Bhandari has wished happiness, peace and prosperity to all the brothers and sisters living at home and abroad on the auspicious occasion of the great festival of Nepalis, Phagu Purnima or Holi.

In a message today, President Bhandari has said unity among diversity has become the identity and strength of us Nepalis and that it will contribute to further strengthening national unity by enhancing mutual love, harmony and tolerance among all Nepalis. “The uniqueness of our culture can be preserved only by integrating history, civilization and mythology associated with each festival. May the Holi festival inspire all of us to build a just society, ”the President said in the message.

In a similar message, Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun has expressed confidence that this year’s Holi festival would further spread social harmony and strengthen national unity.

Extending best wishes for happiness, peace, harmony, prosperity and continuous progress to all Nepali brothers and sisters on the occasion of Phagu Purnima and Holi, the Vice President also expressed confidence that the Holi Festival 2078 BS would inspire all to hold the local elections as a celebration.

Likewise, Prime Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has wished happiness, peace and prosperity to all Nepali brothers and sisters living at home and abroad on the occasion of Phagu Purnima or Holi festival.

In a message today, Prime Minister Deuba described Nepali society as ethnically, linguistically and culturally diverse like the various colors played in Holi festival. He has also urged the people to observe the Holi festival in a dignified manner while adhering to the health protocol as the infection of COVID-19 has not been completely controlled yet.

Prime Minister Deuba has also expressed the belief that the Holi festival would inspire all to build a just and civilized society by eradicating various kinds of anomalies and irregularities existing in the society.