•      Fri Mar 28 2025

Implementation Protocol signed for Nepali labourers in Israel

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KATHMANDU: Nepal and Israel has signed an ‘Implementation Protocol’ on Thursday for the implementation of ‘Agreement related to temporary employment of Nepali workers in labour market of Israel’.

At a programme organised at the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Director General at Department of Foreign Employment, Kumar Dahal, on the behalf of the government of Nepal and Israeli Ambassador to Nepal, Hanan Godar, on the behalf of the government of Israel signed the protocol.

With the signing of the protocol, the Israeli labour market would be opened for Nepali youth where 500 Nepali youths would go for employment. Nepali youths would get employment as a caregiver as well as in hospital, nursing home and daycare centre, according to the Ministry.

They would get service and facilities as per the labour-related laws of Israel. The Nepali youths would go for employment through government to the government of both countries. Israel is one of the attractive destinations for overseas employment. There are around 2,500 Nepalis in Israel.

According to the Ministry, it has been made systematic and transparent as much as possible as the government is sending the skilled and capable workers to Israel.

Nepali Ambassador to Israel, Dr Anjan Shakya, and Israeli Foreign Affairs Minister, Gabi Ashkenazi had signed the labour pact on September 30, 2020.