Kathmandu, Sept 13: In the fiscal year 2075-76 BS (2018- 19), the National Child Rights Council (NCRC) recorded 654 cases about the violation of child rights. The finding of the Council is based on information it received from several districts and media reports in this period.
A total of 1,080 children were affected from such cases. The last quarterly period of the fiscal saw the highest number, 288, of incidences about the child rights violation compared to 204 in the first quarter. The second quarter reported 162 cases followed by 288 in the third quarter.
Of the affected, 618 are girls, 441 are boys and 21 are infants. Last fiscal year witnessed a higher number of cases of sexual violence and rape against children than others and 252 children were affected by these incidences.
The study shows that 241 had died, 241 faced child marriage, 112 were pushed into child labour, 96 were trafficked and smuggled, 65 were murdered, 38 were affected by malnutrition, 37 suffered corporal punishment, 27 committed suicide, 12 were abducted and four cases are related to (forced) abortion.
In this period, 252 cases about rape and sexual violence against children were reported by media.
The number of rape cases against girls is higher comparatively than that of sexual abuses against boys, said Council’s spokesperson Ram Bahadur Chand.
Some of such incidents go unreported due to various reasons. Going by the report, rapists involve fathers, blood relatives, known persons, landlords, teachers, army and police personnel and employees.
The FY 2074/75 reported 243 cases of child sexual abuses and rape, while the FY 75/76 recorded 234 such cases.
Although the report cannot reflect on the exact number of such cases (it covers only incidents of rape and sexual abuses against children covered by news media), it helps concerned authorities to estimate the number and the form of such cases, said Chand.