•      Fri Oct 4 2024

India to purchase 180 MW electricity from four more projects in Nepal

Dhalkebar substation
Electricity sub-station (file photo)

Kathmandu, Sept 5: Nepal has received approval from the Ministry of Power to export 180 megawatts of electricity.

Prior to this, Nepal had received endorsement to sell 452 megawatts of electricity. Now India will buy electricity from four more projects and hence Nepal will now sell a total of 632 megawatts of electricity to her immediate neighbour.

Nepal Electricity Authority Spokesman Suresh Bhattarai shared that Nepal has now got permission to sell 70 MW electricity from Mahendranagar-Gaddachowki transmission line and 180 MW electricity from Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur transmission line. India is going to consume this electricity in the state of Haryana.

Likewise, 70 MW of electricity from Upper Chamelia and Upper Kalangagad hydropower projects will go to India through Mahendranagar-Gaddachowki transmission line, while electricity from Solukhola (Dudhkoshi) and Dordikhola hydropower projects will go through Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur transmission line.

The power from Mahendranagar will be sold at the Indian Energy Exchange (IEX), while the electricity going from Dhalkebar Muzaffarpur will be sold at 8 rupees 40 paisa per unit i.e. 5.25 Indian rupees.

The medium-term electricity trading agreement signed between Nepal Electricity Authority and NTPC Electricity Trading Corporation some time ago had a term to buy and sell electricity up to 200 megawatts at INR 5.25 per unit.

Earlier, the Indian cabinet has approved a MoU between Nepal and India to purchase 10,000 MW of electricity from Nepal.