•      Sat Oct 5 2024

‘Nepal’s journalism satisfactory in general’

Senior journalists have univocally asserted that journalism in Nepal was progressing satisfactorily despite some shortcomings.

At an interaction organized by the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) and Institute of Human Rights Communications Nepal (IHRICON) here Friday, they suggested that the journalism sector should not accept any obligations in lure of incentives and other attractions.

In the interaction themed ‘Opportunities and challenges of media house’, senior journalist Rajendra Dahal argued that the journalism sector had different responsibilities and ideals/principles. The new generation should be sensitized about the essence, thoughts and challenges of this sector. “The pride and dignity of journalism has waned in recent times but it has not been ruined in overall,” he observed.

Similarly, former Chairperson of FNJ Dr Mahendra Bista pointed out the need for taking forward the journalism sector based on the recommendations and advises given from time to time.

FNJ central member Babin Sharma opined that the anomalies and aberration in journalism sector would be rooted out if the audiences (readers) could differentiate between the social media and journalism.

Another senior journalist Tanka Panta said questions were raised about the quality and credibility of the news lately due to lack of efforts to verify the news source on the part of media persons.

IHRICON President Mina Sharma shared that the Institute had been advocating for the human rights, and women and children rights. It aims to be a mediator between the media and society so as to utilize the power of media for the protection of human rights.

The views of media persons on opportunities and challenges of journalism sector in the country were also aired during the interaction. The Institute had collected views of the media persons across all seven provinces, it was shared.RSS