KATHMANDU: Share trading gauge NEPSE fell by 47.5 points on Tuesday to 2,628 points. It is 1.65 percent less than the previous day.

NEPSE, which closed higher on Sunday and Monday, fell to a higher level on Tuesday. Likewise, the overall NEPSE came under pressure after the indices of all sub-groups except microfinance declined.
The transaction amount has also decreased on Tuesday as compared to Monday. A total of nearly 14 million shares of 223 companies were traded through 76 thousand transactions. Shares worth Rs 6.72 billion have been traded through these transactions.
The transaction amount is about Rs 1 billion less than the previous day. Shares worth Rs 7.72 billion were traded in the market on Monday.
The microfinance subgroup index rose 0.51 percent on Tuesday. The index of all other sub-groups has declined, according to NEPSE.