•      Mon Mar 10 2025

NWPP demonstrates against border encroachment

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Bhaktapur, Nov 6 : Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP) has organized a protest demonstration here today against the new map of India which shows Nepal’s territory inside India.

The protest rally which started from Kamal Binayak of Bhaktapur converted into a protest assembly upon reaching Surya Binayak Chowk after passing through various places of Bhaktapur town.

NWPP protested India’s move of including in its map Lipulek, Limpiyadhura and Kalapani area in the far north-west border of Nepal. These areas belong to Nepal but their border is disputed since long.

Addressing the protest assembly, NWPP secretary and lawmaker Prem Suwal urged the government to immediately take interest regarding the map issued by India which has encroached upon the border and draw the attention of the international community towards the issue.

He said India has infringed the border as the ruling parties and big parties failed to promptly protest against India’s this move.

According to him, India was prompted to encroach upon Nepal’s border as Nepal’s leaders failed to speak out against India’s interference in Jammu and Kashmir and as the Nepali side also failed to raise the border dispute issue in the United Nations General Assembly.

Lawmaker Suwal said NWPP would continue its protest in the street and in parliament unless India makes corrections to the map it has issued.