•      Tue Mar 18 2025

PM Oli assures of grand preparations for Xi Jinping’s visit

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          Kathmandu, Oct 11 : Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has said extensive preparations have been ensured to make the state visit by President of People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping to Nepal beginning from Saturday successful.

          In his address to a ceremony organised by the Nepal Police on the occasion of its 64th Police Day here today, the Prime Minister said the role of Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force and other security bodies was significant to make the Chinese President’s visit a success. 

          “The President of a powerful nation is arriving on Nepal visit and grand preparations have been made for the success of the visit. We are moving ahead by keeping several goals in mind with an objective of accelerating the way towards development,” the Prime Minister said.   

          Stating the security bodies were making preparations on behalf of their respective sides in view of the visit by the President of China which had been successful in earning an identity of the world’s big economy and a powerful nation by going ahead on the path of peace and development in a speedy manner.

          He remembered the role of security bodies during the foreign visit from Nepal would be vital. 

He utilised the  moment to say the Nepal Police  will be significant during natural disaster, when social goodwill is on the verge of a danger  and there is the risk of  cultural  degradation.