•      Sat Sep 7 2024

Resolution seeking constitutional rights approved in Madhesh

Madhes Province Chief Minister Saroj Kumar Yadav. (file)

Janakpur, Dec 6: A resolution proposed at the Madhesh Provincial Assembly to direct the federal government to take immediate action to delegate the rights of the Province in the schedule of the Constitution has been passed unanimously today.

Chief whip of the CPN (UML) parliamentary party Harinarayan Mahato presented the proposal in today’s meeting of the provincial assembly.

Deputy Speaker Babita Raut Ishar, who presided over the meeting, announced that the proposal was unanimously passed based on a voice vote when it was submitted for a decision.

Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister of Madhesh Saroj Kumar Yadav said that due to lack of constitutional rights guaranteed by the constitution full implementation of federalism has been obstructed. As a result voices against federalism and republic are being raised.

Chief Minister Yadav added that the provincial government has not been able to work effectively because it does not have its own police administration and civil servants.

The meeting of the Provincial Assembly, Nepal, has been adjourned until further notice.