RUKUM: Returning Officers and their assistants have reached all polling centres of Rukum (East) on Tuesday.
The returning officers and assistant returning officers had already reached the distant polling centres of the district on Monday. The Office of the Chief Returning Officer informed that the designated returning officers, assistant returning officers and employees have reached other voting centres with logistic materials.
As shared the offices have started working after reaching the polling centres.
Chief Returning Officer Sanat Chandra Lawat informed that several activities such as conducting all-party meeting, designating voting area, banning alcohol consumption and distribution and prohibiting arm possession at voting centres have been sof ar completed.
Those designated officers have reached Sisne-1, ward 1, 2 and 3 of Puthauttarganga of the most-disadvantaged areas of the district in two days. They are also assigned to mobilize volunteers to conduct voters’ education in the voting centres on May 11 and 12.
One held with home-made gun at Puthauttarganga
A person was arrested with an illegal home-made gun at Puthauttarganga Rural Municipality in Rukum (East) district. Chandra Bahadur Kami of same place was caught with a home-made gun at Puthauttarganga Rural Municiplaity-14, Pobang, the District Police Officer informed.
Investigation into the incident was underway, DSP Prakash Dangi shared.