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Telephone service restored in Bhotkhola after a week

Nepal Telecom (file photo)

Kimathanka, April 19: Communication services have been restored in Bhotkhola, the remote northern region of Sankhuwasabha district, after a week since they were disrupted.

The telephone service in the remote northern region Bhotkhola rural municipality which was disrupted has been restored after a week, said Prem Kumar Rai, Chief of the Telecom Office Sankhuwasabha.

The service had disrupted after lightning struck the telephone tower on Lachi hill on the border between Bhotkhola rural municipality’s ward number 2 and 4 on April 9. The battery backup, equipment and associated tower machinery exploded due to the lightning strike, disrupting the service.

People of a dozen villages including Hatiya, Chyamtang, Chepuwa, Lingagam, Chhumsur, Ridak Bhotkhola ward number 2 and 3 now have telephone services restored. The BTS towers in remote villages without power supply are still powered by solar batteries.

It is said that it was difficult for the technical team dispatched from Khandbari for repairing the tower and equipment to reach Bhotkhola in time due to adverse weather and difficult geography.