bfp/fsf] hf]xf] tfKn]h’ª, @) k’; M glhs}sf] hª\unaf6 bfp/f cf];fb}{ tfKn]h’ªsf] kfyLe/f dlGb/ If]qdf kg]{ km]bL a:tLsf o’jf . oxfFsf :yfgLojf;L jif{el/nfO{ k’Ug] u/L lxpFbsf] ;dodf bfp/fsf] hf]xf] ug]{ u5{g\ . tl:a/ M ;Gtf]if k’s'{6L÷/f;; Minister of Province 1 inspecting Pathivara Temple in Taplejung.Road construction in Myagdi.Simkot of Humla after improving the weather.Dharma Bhakari, a traditional way of helping in Baglung.Children enjoying sun light while studying at school in Dang.Nursing staff check ear of school children in Kanchanpur.Tunnel construction continue in Myagdi for hydropower generation.PM Sher Bahadur Deuba inaugurating a three-wheeler operated by bio-gas in Dharan.Buddha Temple in Syangja.Youth carrying firewood in Taplejung.Buddha Temple in Syangja.Road construction in Myagdi. Photo: National News Agency of Nepal (RSS)