•      Wed Mar 12 2025

Vice President Pun assures Chinese investors of adequate returns, urges for more investment

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Kathmandu, Sept 7:

Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun has urged the investors from China to invest in Nepal reasoning that adequate return was guaranteed with favourable atmosphere.

Inaugurating the Nepal-China Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum organized jointly by the Nepal Embassy in Beijing, and China Commercial Stock Enterprises here today, Vice President Pun, reiterated, “Nepal has good laws to ensure business safety and adequate return for the investment.”

Tourism, hydropower, excavation of minerals, commercial processing of medicinal herbs, expansion of connectivity and transportation, manufacture of agricultural tools are the areas for investment in Nepal, he suggested.

On the occasion, Chairman of the ruling Nepal Communist Party, Pushpa Kamal Dahal ‘Prachanda’ said present government was committed to creating favourable atmosphere for foreign investment.

All seven States would have industrial development, he added. He reiterated Nepal’s One China Policy and stressed that Nepal would not allow its land to be used against China.

“We have expected much assistance from China for the development of Nepal and Nepalis,” he said, requesting the Chinese investors to invest in Nepal because there were favourable laws for investment.

Chinese capital is essential for job creations and economic prosperity here, he underscored. Moreover, the former Prime Minister said China is a reliable development partner of Nepal.

Nepali Ambassador to China, Leelamani Poudyal, said relations between Nepal and China were deepened from viewpoints of culture, civilization, history and geography.

He however said Chinese were willing investment in Nepal. But they have questions and concern on it.

This forum was organized to address their queries, he informed. The daylong event has the participation Chief Minister from each State and their representatives.

Potential of industrial development in the State are discussed during the event. More than 50 Chinese investors are attending the programme.

Similarly, Deputy Secretary General of China Commercial Stock Enterprises, Li Xuesong, made in-depth presentation on industrial institutions in Nepal.