•      Sun Sep 29 2024
The Authoritarian Hangover

Maciej Kisilowski and Anna Wojciuk WARSAW, May 28: This month’s presidential election in Turkey, followed by October’s parliamentary vote in Poland, could continue a trend that began in 2020 with Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the United States and continued last year with Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s

The Climate Loss and Damage Fund Is Coming

Last November’s United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, concluded on a historic high note, with the

Deciphering the Latest IPCC Report

The good news is that, according to the IPCC, “feasible, effective, and low-cost options for mitigation and adaptation are already

A New Weapon Against Malaria

Over the past three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has dominated headlines and spurred scientific research, with experts around the world

Will China Win the Middle East?

While the SCO is not a military alliance comparable to, say, NATO, nor is it a mere economic association. On

An Economic Hail Mary for China

For China, overemphasizing higher education could cause massive infrastructure projects like the Belt and Road Initiative to become a drain

In Defense of Nature-Based Carbon Markets

Voluntary markets for carbon offsets have recently come under fire, with critics questioning the efficacy of contracts that aim to

Trump’s Indictment Bodes Well for Democracy

US allies horrified by the growing dysfunction of American democracy may breathe a sigh of relief following the stunning indictment

The Population Boon

Of course, this figure masks large geographic disparities. The number of children per woman is below two in places like

Unity on Ukraine Is Unity on Peace and Justice

Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine – a blatant attempt to destroy an independent, sovereign state living peacefully within recognized borders