•      Sun Sep 29 2024
Achieving Zero Hunger Is Still Possible

- Jordan Dey WASHINGTON, DC, Aug 4 (PS): This year marks the halfway point for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the ambitious set of global targets introduced by the United Nations in 2015. These 17 goals, devised to address today’s most pressing challenges and put the world on the

How to Scrap Fuel Subsidies

To avoid civil unrest, the International Monetary Fund advocates a gradual phase-out of fuel subsidies coupled with targeted measures to

‘Our agri-food systems operate under a perpetual cloud of risk…

This includes implementing cash transfers and food-for-work programs, as well as prioritizing investments in the most vulnerable communities. Our ability

Is the Net-Zero Transition Endangering the Asian Century?

And at the end of April, more than 100 central bankers and regulators convened in Singapore to explore ways to

The Kremlin’s Mobster Code

Russia has a long history of rule by criminals. Channeling French anarchist Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s famous dictum “property is theft,” the

What Ukraine Brings to NATO

But I know that ordinary Russians – having endured decades of despotism and having now lost 100,000 or more of

The Return of the Warlords

OXFORD – The turmoil in Russia unleashed by Yevgeny Prigozhin’s Wagner Group has drawn rapt attention in capitals throughout the world, but

To De-Escalate US-China Tensions, Decouple Differently

Likewise, the US ban on exporting advanced microchips to China – a similar form of economic coercion – is unlikely to guarantee

Can Democracy Survive the Polycrisis?

We are living in troubled times. Too much is happening too fast. People are confused. The Columbia University economic historian

The Ukraine-Russia Culture War

In both Russia and the West, Russian troops were expected to sweep into Kyiv, parade uniforms in hand, install a