•      Sun Sep 29 2024
Putin’s Search for a Usable Past

SAINT PETERSBURG – Kremlin insiders like to tell the following story. In the fall of 1999, when Vladimir Putin was tapped to succeed Boris Yeltsin, Russia’s future president blurted out in surprise: “Oh, and I thought of Gazprom.” What else could a working-class Leningrad native dream about? Putin had never seen himself

At COP28, Cities Will Show Us the Way

Nation-states, presidents, and prime ministers – those are the players who garner the biggest headlines and the most media attention

Mapping the Future of ESG at COP-28

Sound ESG strategies that focus on robust standards, clear metrics, and strict compliance procedures can improve the investment decision-making process

Petrostates Must Take the Lead on Climate Finance

Some private oil companies have already paid extra taxes on their windfall profits. But, given that state-owned companies control most

The False Choice Between Palestinian and Jewish Liberation

If Israel were truly the “invented” and “artificial” colonial state that it is often claimed to be, it would have

Hard Truths About Green Industrial Policy

Several African countries, including South Africa, Kenya, Mauritania, Egypt, Djibouti, Tunisia, Morocco, and Namibia, have enacted state-led initiatives to support

The Technologies African Farmers Need

As a result of the yield-increasing performance of these technologies, the area allocated to heat-tolerant wheat varieties in Ethiopia has

How to Salvage COP28

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai is just weeks away. But it has become increasingly clear that

How to Salvage COP28

The United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in Dubai is just weeks away. But it has become increasingly clear that

What We Can Do About Food Insecurity

A good example is ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF), a fortified peanut paste that helps 92% of acutely malnourished children recover,