•      Sun Sep 29 2024
Israel’s 9/11 Moment

WASHINGTON, DC – In the wake of the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, Israel has every right and reason to pursue a sustained military campaign aimed at dismantling the terrorist group. And Israelis appear determined to do so. Yet they also need to heed US President Joe Biden’s words

Dialogue is only an option for peaceful resolution of the…

Israel-Palestine conflict has again raised global attention, and a massive humanitarian crisis has been seen due to the eruption of

Getting to Global Climate Solidarity

The trust gap is the decisive obstacle to global solidarity. When pledges are repeatedly not honored, suspicion grows, undermining the

Gaza’s Never-Ending Catastrophe

JERUSALEM – Israel’s military response to the brutality of the Hamas attack on October 7, which has claimed the lives

The West Should Avoid Nagorno-Karabakh

For years, it has been consolidating an alliance with Azerbaijan against their common enemy, Iran. Today, Israel supplies nearly 70%

What Will Follow Hamas’s War?

The multi-pronged operation that Hamas launched against Israel one day after the anniversary of the 1973 Yom Kippur War is

Hubris Meets Nemesis in Israel

But, in the ruthless, barbaric massacre of Israeli civilians in the villages surrounding Gaza, Netanyahu’s hubris met its nemesis in

Gender Justice Is Climate Justice

The Paris Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, held this past June, rightly focused on promoting an inclusive climate

Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (MBS)
Saudi Arabia’s New Nationalism

Saudi Arabia is undergoing a nationalist transformation. During this year’s Saudi National Day, on September 23, people across the Kingdom

Global water crisis in the world
The Roots of the Global Water Crisis

The fact that some remain unaffected by this crisis attests to their privilege. While many experience environmental degradation on a